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Effective decision-making is predicated upon intelligent communications of needs by and to those who are charged with making decisions and those who are accountable for results. This broad-based interaction ensures that groups affected by decisions are able to provide their unique perspectives - which leads to better decisions and effective implementation of those decisions.

The Institutional Effectiveness Manual establishes the mechanisms to ensure the broad-based interactions that are central to effective decision-making and implementation.

The college Committee Structure provides pathways for participation in college governance and processes. This committee structure section of the Governance Procedures - Draft provides information about each committee or group on the campus to include its purpose, role, membership, and a contact person.

The Organizational Charts provide information about how the college and its areas organize themselves to conduct day-to-day operations.

The College Council is a forum for providing input to the President on a wide variety of issues.

The Academic Senate represents the faculty in general governance. It also makes recommendations to the administration of the College and the Board with respect to academic and professional matters (10+1).

The Classified Senate, Management Association, and Associated Students represent their constituent groups in general governance.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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