Butte College marked its 52nd Annual Commencement with a virtual ceremony held on Friday, May 28 at 6:30 p.m. A total of 1,346 degrees were conferred to a resilient class of students who persevered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Total degrees are as follows: Associate in Arts: 440; Associate Degree for Transfer in Arts: 298; Associate in Science: 392; and Associate Degree for Transfer in Science: 216.
All participating graduates received a link to stream the virtual ceremony and celebrate with their families and friends. Additionally, the virtual ceremony will be available for public viewing via 51jiyangshi.com/graduation. This was not a live event so graduates, families, friends and community members may also choose to access the celebration whenever it is most convenient. The site will remain accessible for one year.
“I wish we could have a traditional face-to-face commencement ceremony to honor this important milestone, however, since we aren’t able to do that, Butte College will host a drive-thru celebration on Saturday, May 29 at 10 a.m. at its main campus to honor the graduating classes of 2020 and 2021,” said Butte College President Samia Yaqub. “The drive-thru celebration will be hosted in addition to the college’s virtual commencement ceremony and offers graduates a safe, in-person alternative to celebrate their achievements.”
For the drive-thru event, graduates drove up to a stage area located at the main campus’s bus loading zone and walked on stage for a photo opportunity with the college’s president. After exiting the stage area, graduates and their family were invited to Parking Lot 4 for photos with family and friends. Participating graduates were encouraged but not required to wear their regalia. Per Butte College’s regulations, face masks were required for anyone exiting their vehicle.
"All of our graduates have persevered through unprecedented times and great obstacles, and deserve to be celebrated. The Camp Fire, power shut offs, and a global pandemic did not prevent you from achieving your educational goals. Our grads have what it takes to succeed, no matter what circumstances life throws their way,” said Yaqub. “We are so proud of their accomplishments.”
Butte’s 2021 student commencement speaker was Kenneth Donovan Catlin, Idaho. Kenneth attended Butte College for the past two years and earned an AA-T in political science. Catlin has been accepted to several universities and is still deciding where he’ll complete his educational goals of earning a bachelor's in public policy and a master's in urban planning. Catlin was an exemplary student and graduated magna cum laude. When Kenneth is not studying, he enjoys participating in mountain sports and photography.
“I made the decision to go to college to learn how I could make a difference. What I encountered has been far more relieving, motivating, and soul-filling than anything I expected. During my time here, I have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing a whole community of smart, passionate, and motivated people who genuinely care about making this world a better place. My time at Butte has given me more than a degree, it's given me hope. I cannot thank each and every one of you, peers and faculty, enough for that. I am proud of my classmates, my community and my school,” said Catlin. “Now more than ever, we need individuals like you who can surmount these challenges and can remain hopeful no matter the conditions…”
Butte College serves more than 10,000 students a semester and offers 200 certificate, degree and transfer programs. Butte’s youngest graduate was T. Alden Ingelson-Filpula, 16, who participated in virtual commencement and graduated summa cum laude with an AA-T in political science. The most mature graduate is Catherine Tarbox, 69, who is graduating with an AA-T in studio arts, magna cum laude. The graduating class included 684 women, 374 men, and 16 non-identifying. Our graduates originate from 13 different countries, 15 different states and more than 135 cities and towns within California. Top academic programs included social and behavioral science, psychology/sociology, registered nursing, language arts, history/art history, administration of justice, business administration/education/management/small business, child development, agriculture business/mechanized agriculture, and communication studies, studio arts and theatre arts.
In-person Graduations:
Fire Academy: Friday, May 21 at noon, Main Campus - AHPS 115
Nursing/RN: Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30 a.m., Main Campus -Outside, near solar array
Automotive: Thursday, May 27, 5:30 p.m., Skyway Center
Respiratory Therapy: Friday, May 28 at 10 a.m., Main Campus - AHPS 239
Paramedic: Wednesday, June 2 at 4 p.m., Main Campus - AHPS 239
Graduate Profiles:
Graduate Madison Connaughton received her A.A. in art history and history, cum laude. She began taking classes at Butte College when she was only 13 and is transferring to pursue her bachelor’s degree at UC, Santa Barbara.
“I originally attended Butte as a way to challenge myself, push myself harder and see just how far I could go. I had the honor and opportunity to attend Butte alongside my high school classes and create an education that could run as fast and as hard as I wanted to go. In using Butte as a new path to follow I met instructors and peers who were just as invested in not just our classes and the materials discussed but the actual act of learning and understanding. You all created a space for learning and growth and for that, I am deeply grateful,” said Connaughton. “Some come to Butte to use as a stepping stone into a university, fire, nursing, other forms of public service, and careers. Others as a new path to follow, beginning of a new career, or exploration of new avenues. And a few as a return to education, I have a special admiration for those who are willing to come back to their education and try again or continue their story, so congratulations to you especially. That is the beauty of Butte, being able to start paths that will lead into drastically different directions and yet collectively share our experiences, hence our motto, “Start here, go anywhere!”
Jimmy Vega received his A.A in Graphic Design and Art History from Butte College. He is transferring to Chico State University to pursue his Bachelor’s degree in marketing and design. He was involved in student leadership positions while at Butte, serving as a Butte College student trustee, and Associated Students. Vega overcame many obstacles in order to fulfill his and his family's dream of receiving a college education including uncertainty of how to enroll as an undocumented student, lack of personal transportation, and having to work full time to help support himself and his family after his father's passing. He said the resources available to him at Butte College helped him overcome those hurdles and that facing those challenges has allowed him to better advocate for himself and others.
When asked about what he likes best about Butte College, Vega replied, “I appreciated the small community of peers you build relationships with and get to know. Everyone just wants the best for you.”
Butte’s youngest grad was 16-year-old T. Alden Ingelson-Filpula, who graduated with an AA-T in political science, summa cum laude.
“My experience at Butte College has been nothing but great. I’ve had some of the best instructors and Butte College is instrumental in helping me find my interest in political science,” said Ingelson-Filpula.
He plans to attend Chico State, earn a double major in public administration and international relations and become a lawyer.
Butte’s most mature grad was 69-year-old Catherine Tarbox. Catherine is graduating with an AA-T in studio arts, magna cum laude.
“I came to Chico from the San Francisco Bay Area and made my home in Paradise. Then in the middle of my collegiate journey, I became displaced as a result of the Camp Fire on November 8, 2018. The support and encouragement from the instructors and staff at Butte College, and the incredible effort they all put toward ensuring my goal of achieving my associate of arts degree, is the reason I will be heading to California State University, Chico in the Fall of 2021. The instructors at Butte College were committed to my success, and now they are not only my teachers but also my friends,” said Tarbox.
Each year, Butte College’s honor society, Phi Theta Kappa, sponsors the Teacher of the Year award. Butte College students vote to select an outstanding teacher. The recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award for 2020/21 was agriculture business instructor Jacob Vazquez. In addition to serving as an instructor, Vazquez is the faculty advisor for the Agriculture Business Program and Agriculture Ambassadors Club. Before joining Butte College, Vazquez served as associate vice president of risk management at Fresno Madera Farm Credit. An alumnus of Butte College and summa cum laude graduate of CSU, Fresno, he earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture business and a master’s degree in agricultural science. He is also an advisory committee member for multiple FFA chapters and serves on the National FFA Farm Business Management Career Development Event advisory committee. For him, the best part about teaching at Butte College is the students.
“As a grad of Butte College, it was the best experience for me to develop as a person, and I’m passionate about this institution and recognize the life-changing opportunities Butte College provides,” said Vazquez.
More information is available at 51jiyangshi.com/commencement or sending your questions to commencement@51jiyangshi.com.
Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Content editor:
Christian Gutierrez